The Full Story
Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Technology is being used for many parts deburring, finishing and polishing applications through out industry. Industries served include: aerospace, medical, dental, precision CNC machined components, additive manufactured parts and many more.
Ask about our Free process development and sample part processing.
Equipment sales, Technical assistance, Contract finishing services.

Free Sample Part Finishing
Thanks for being connected with us. If I can ever be helpful by sample finishing some of your parts, please let me know. I would be glad to make the arrangements. See the details on the web-page shown below.
Dave Davidson
Contract Finishing Services
Contract Deburring, Finishing and Polishing. We have worked with manufacturers in industries ranging from medical and aerospace to firearms and OEMs to carry out finishing services and create finished products. These unique industries and their products require attention to the finest of details—and yield virtually no room for error. Our process includes several steps to ensure parts and product reliability:
Custom Development Strategy. There is no magic here—it’s precision. We customize each finishing process to fit our clients’ needs from start to finish. At the end of the day, we specialize in you. Our centrifugal barrel finishing services are custom-tailored for each specific component.
Samples & Quality. We formulate a process for each product and provide our clients with finished samples at no charge. Collaboration with the customer is key. If something needs improvement, we’ll use the client feedback to adjust the process. The result is a customized, consistent, and repeatable set of specifications for finishing your unique product.
We are also Isotropic Finishing Specialists for All Major Industries. We serve many different manufacturing clients nationwide. For superior surface finishing and finishing equipment sales, choose ISO Finishing. Small businesses to large Fortune 500 customers choose our mass finishing services based on our 75 years of experience of providing innovative, quality solutions and our superior customer service.