Contributing Editor: Dave Davidson, Deburring/Finishing Technologist |
If you have parts that need edge or surface finishing improvement and would like to have FREE sample part processing and a quotation developed for finishing the parts contact Dave Davidson at I can also be reached at 509.230.6821. Information about equipment for bringing Centrifugal Iso-Finishing capability to your facility is also available…
For instructions on how to send us parts for (free) sample processing. See
As centrifugal Iso-Finishing equipment designs evolve and improve, larger and more complex designed parts are being processed. Newer equipment designs can now accommodate parts of greater length and commonly achieve micro-finished surfaces in the single digit micro-inch range (Ra). In fact on some parts, finishes below 1 micro-inch Ra have been achieved (.05 - 0.7 micro-inches Ra)

ABOVE: Shown below is a video of the Model HZ-330 machine in operation. BELOW: See a video of the Model HZ-330

See below some examples of parts that are successfully micro-finished with isotropic surface finishing processes.