Dave Davidson | Deburring/Finishing Technologist | Mobile: +1.509.563.9859

Meet the MFI SURFACE FINISHING EXPERTS at the IMTS Trade Show, September 12-17 2022, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL Booth 236652. Bring some of your machined or 3D printed parts and consult with our surface finishing experts.
Mass finishing process development and problem-solving. For additional technical information and free sample part finishing of your machined, 3D printed, cast, forged, stamped or fabricated components and parts contact Dave Davidson at ddavidson@deburring-tech-group.com. Let our experts determine the machine and process to develop the optimal surface finishing result for your parts.
INDEX TERMS: #aerospace #motorsports #medicaldevices #dentalindustry #machining #manufacturing #engineering #additivemanufacturing #postprocessing #surfacefinishng #deburring #polishing #massfinishing

Instructions for submitting parts for FREE sample part finishing...
Download the MFI Mass Finishing Equipment and Supply Catalog from here:
Download this questionnaire file to send with your parts for sample finishing...
Thanks for being connected with us. I thought I would bring you up to date on some recent developments regarding Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Technology and the deburring, surface finishing and polishing of both conventional and additive manufactured parts.
The key to the technology side of our business is the sample parts processing program. We take in parts that are good candidates for the Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Technology, process them, and return them to the customer so they can be evaluated and reviewed. If necessary, we use the customer feedback to adjust the process parameters in order to optimize the surface finishing and polishing to meet customer requirements. Please let me know if you would like me to help you make arrangements for sample finishing your parts at our process laboratory facility in Minnesota.
Updated and Expanded Deburring and Finishing Equipment Catalog. There is an expanded catalog for mass finishing equipment available from MFI including the high-speed and hands-free line of HZ-Series Centrifugal (Barrel) Iso-Finishing equipment. The PDF file catalog can be either viewed or downloaded from this Link:
Also included in the catalog are:
Centrifugal disc finishing equipment.
Vibratory finishing equipment.
Equipment options and accessories.
Finishing Supplies such as deburring and polishing media.
Aqueous and Powder Finishing compounds.
Process engineering and (free) sample part processing. To determine what machine model and what materials should be used and with what process parameters is determined by the process engineers at the process laboratory. Sample parts provided by customers are inspected and analyzed and are processed for the optimal result and parts are then returned to the customer for evaluation and approval. Processes at times need adjustment to conform fully to the part requirements and an effective feedback loop is very important for success with this process development effort.
The sample part processing procedure.
(1) If there is an NDA requirement, please email me your mutual agreement form for signature.
(2) Please send some smart-phone photos of the part(s) so I can make an initial assessment of them.
(3) Complete the sample part processing form, send a hard copy with the parts, and email me a copy.
(4) Send the parts to the Minnesota address shown on the form and send me the tracking number.
To reiterate, the sample part shipment should be sent to the process laboratory facility here:
MFI (Process Engineering Dept.)
attn: T. Mathisen and D. A. Davidson
1060 Commerce Street
Howard Lake, Minnesota 55349 USA
Please download and complete the sample part finishing form that is attached. Send a hard copy along with the sample part shipment. Send me a digital copy of the WORD file by email.
If you have any questions or if there is any way that I can help please feel free to reach out. My cell phone and work email are included in the contact information shown below.
Best regards,
Dave Davidson
Deburring/Finishing Technology Mobile: (509)-563-9859 (International Calls: WhatsApp)
33 Beeler Road, Crawfordville FL 32327 USA
Deburring, Finishing, Polishing, Free sample polishing
Contract deburring and finishing services.