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Part Stress Relief and High-Speed Centrifugal Barrel Tumbling
Excerpted from SME Technical Paper MR79-569 by J. Bernard Hignett edited and updated by Cole Mathisen For additional technical assistance...

Why is Surface Roughness So Important in Manufacturing?
Maintaining surface control is critical for manufacturers and engineers to produce consistent and reliable production processes for each pro

So, you have a simple deburring problem. How about a simple vibratory deburring and finishing machi
The PV Series are economical vibratory finishing machines that are compact and self-contained systems for deburring larger parts at lower vo

CASE STUDY: Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Technology and 3D printed (additive manufactured) parts.
3D LOGIC’S CHALLENGE:  Established in early 2018, 3D Logics was adept at creating parts that were accurate and consistent, but often had inh

Free Sample Part Finishing with High-speed, Hands-free Centrifugal Iso-Finishing
For additional Information contact the Contributing Editor: Dave Davidson Deburring/Finishing Technologist ddavidson@deburring-tech-group...

Deburring and Super-Finishing Production Efficiency with New Innovative Vibratory Finishing Machine
Contact: Dave Davidson | Deburring/Finishing technologist | Article Contributed by Jim Riley at BV...

Compact Vibratory Finishing Machine with Big Machine Features. Internal Separation for Improved Prod
Vibratory Finishing is an important component of a group of industrial processes referred to as mass finishing or mass media finishing. Mass

Fundamentals of Vibratory Deburring, Finishing and Isotropic Micro-Finishing
For additional information contact Contributing Editor: David A. Davidson | Deburring/Finishing Technologist ddavidson@deburring-tech-gro...

Mass Finishing Problems and Their Effect on the Future
: This technical paper was written by John Kittredge as his career was drawing to a close. He wanted to write a brief summary about some of

Model HZ-120 Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Machine for high-speed deburring and polishing
A wide variety of parts are being processed in centrifugal finishing barrel equipment to deburr, radius and produce extremely refined isotro
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