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Model HZ-120 Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Machine for high-speed deburring and polishing

Contact: Dave Davidson | Deburring/Finishing Technologist | 509.563.9859 |

One of the reasons centrifugal finishing is effective for small part finishing is its ability to make use of very finely sized finishing media that can access intricate part areas. Using media this small in conventional finishing is problematic as these processes are incapable of producing sufficient force and pressure on smaller dimensioned media to remove burrs or effectively abrade and smooth surfaces on smaller parts. Centrifugal finishing commonly applies 10 – 15 G’s of force which can produce effective deburring and finishing results very rapidly. Edge and surface finish results are often achieved 10 times faster than is the case with low energy mechanical finishing methods.

A wide variety of parts are being processed in centrifugal finishing barrel equipment to deburr, radius and produce extremely refined isotropic surface finishes. Among the many different types of parts finished this way are titanium surgical implants, musical instrument components, socket hardware, resin-filled fabric bearing retainers, bearing races, gears surgical knee implants, aircraft engine blades and vane segments, roller bearings, plastic spheres, plastic consumer items, gear shafts and other drive components as well as crankshafts, turbo-rotor impellers, hardened powder metal components, heat treat scale removal, carbide tipped saw blades and carbide end mill processing for service life extension and improved performance.

The demonstration video below shows operation of a new Model HZ-120 machine.

Centrifugal Iso-Finishing machines are the fastest and most economical form of finishing machine available. They are the industry workhorse for polishing, deburring, deflashing and smoothing of part surfaces.. From jet engine blades in the aerospace industry to heart valves and medical implants, these finishing machines are the versatile and money-saving solution for demanding polishing and deburring applications.

In a matter of minutes this deburring and polishing machine can clean up metal, acrylic or rubber parts are finished in what could take hours or even days by hand. The finish achieved by these machines is isotropic, meaning parts are polished uniformly and evenly, something that cannot be achieved by hand. Variable speed control allow these tumbling machines to achieve whatever finish the operator desires, from a simple polish at low speed, to full scale deburring and edge radiusing.

Shown below is a video shot by one of the technical groups of SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers that high-lights Centrifugal Iso-Finishing process operations in a contract precision machining manufacturer. The video, shot on the factory floor features a Model HZ-120 Centrifugal machine similar to the refurbished machine currently for sale.

In the photo gallery shown below are various part and machine applications:

For more information and to make arrangements for free sample part processing of your parts, CONTACT: Dave Davidson | Deburring/Finishing Technologist | 509.563.9859

Below are shown parts that have been centrifugally surface finished and polished with both wet smoothing and dry process polishing processes.


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Crawfordville, FL 32327

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