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High-Energy Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Contract Services for Deburring and Super Iso-Finishing. Infor

For additional information contact the Contributing Editor: Dave Davidson, Deburring/Finishing Technologist | 509.563.9859 | |

Centrifugal Iso-Finishing 2

Isofinishing is the largest Centrifugal Iso-Finishing contract finishing service center in North America.  It features a state of the art facility with hands-free and high-speed equipment for a quick turnaround on your parts.  It has fully credentialed part quality and tracking systems including ISO-9001:2015.

We are Isotropic Finishing Specialists for All Major Industries.  We serve all many different manufacturing clients nationwide. For superior surface finishing and finishing equipment sales, choose ISO Finishing. Small businesses to large Fortune 500 customers choose our mass finishing services based on our 75 years of experience of providing innovative, quality solutions and our superior customer service.

As an isotropic finishing service provider, ISO Finishing specializes in vibratory finishing, high energy polishing and micro-precision surface improvement. We are known for our quality metal finishing expertise on titanium, aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, brass, and copper. Our ability to finish plastic, rubber, silicone and ceramic parts along with our custom metal finishing work, allows our services to extend to an array of industries, including Injection Molding, OEM’s, Firearms, Medical, Automotive, Dental and Aerospace. CONTACT Dave Davidson at

See the video below for a facility tour:

If you have parts that need edge or surface finishing improvement and would like to have FREE sample part processing and a quotation developed for finishing the parts contact Dave Davidson at    I can also be reached at 509.230.6821. Information about equipment for bringing Centrifugal Iso-Finishing capability to your facility is also available…

Before we start a sample processing project I have some questions for you.   Can you complete this “Request for Sample Finishing” form?  This will help us to better understand your part finishing needs.   [See also the form in WORD format here:

Please cut and paste the form below into an email, answer those questions you can and send to me at   Can you also send me some smart-phone pictures of the parts?  Some shots showing raw vs, finished pieces (as you currently finish them) would be especially helpful.​

 The parts should be sent to:

ISOFINISHING (Process Engineering) Attn:  M. Klein and D. A. Davidson 50 South Medina Street Loretto, MN 55357

Here is some background on the Isofinishing process development and contract finish processing facility:

(1)  If you ship samples can you forward me the tracking numbers so that I can monitor           the project? (2)  Include a hard copy (paper) of the sample finishing request form attached with your         part shipment.  (this will also expedite the processing) (3)  Let me know if you have any questions. (4)  If you have not already done so please let me have your contact and address                         information for my files.

 If you have any questions, or If there is any way I can be helpful, just let me know.  Thanks,​ – Dave Davidson:


REQUEST FOR SAMPLE FINISHING CONFIDENTIAL WORKSHEET (Please include a paper hard copy of this sheet with your part shipment)

 Instructions: Please cut and paste the form below to your email. Please complete the form and send to Dave Davidson via Email to


DATE: COMPANY: Contact Person Email Address: Telephone: Delivery Address: City: State/Province Postal Code: Country:


Part Name and Description: Part Material: Part dimensions:  L” x W” x D’ or Length x Diameter


Parts per shift: Parts per month:


Number of Sample Parts included with this shipment? Expedited shipping to return parts? Y/N Expedited Shipping via. Your company account No.


Manufacturing operation(s) prior to finishing:

 Post-Finishing operations:

 Description of Part Finishing Needs or Requirements:

Radius or Surface Finish requirement or specification:

 Additional Notes or Comments

PLEASE ATTACH PHOTO OF PARTS IF POSSIBLE (Smart-phone Photos are OK) and send to my email at

Below: MACHINERY and Some Part Applications

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Centrifugal Iso-finishing Technology

Centrifugal barrel finishing (CBF) is a high-energy finishing method, which has come into widespread acceptance in recent years. Although not nearly as universal in application as vibratory finishing, a long list of important CBF applications have been developed in the last few years.  The process is especially useful for minimizing the need for hand-deburring and developing super-finished surfaces that have highly improved resistance to wear and metal fatigue failure.

Similar in some respects to barrel finishing, in that a drum-type container is partially filled with media and set in motion to create a sliding action of the contents, CBF is different from other finishing methods in some significant ways. Among these are the high pressures developed in terms of media contact with parts, the unique sliding action induced by rotational and centrifugal forces, and accelerated abrading or finishing action. As is true with other high energy processes, because time cycles are much abbreviated, surface finishes can be developed in minutes, which might tie up conventional equipment for many hours.

The principle behind CBF is relatively straightforward. Opposing barrels or drums are positioned circumferentially on a turret. (Most systems have either two or four barrels mounted on the turret; some manufacturers favor a vertical and others a horizontal orientation for the turret.) As the turret rotates at high speed, the barrels are counter-rotated, creating very high G-forces or pressures, as well as considerable media sliding action within the drums. Deburring and polishing processes are typically five to ten times faster than the low energy processes such as vibratory finishing.  Pressures as high as 50 Gs have been claimed for some equipment. The more standard equipment types range in size from 1 ft3 (30 L) to 10 ft3, although much larger equipment has been built for some applications.

Media used in these types of processes tend to be a great deal smaller than the common sizes chosen for a barrel and vibratory processes. The smaller media, in such a high-pressure environment, are capable of performing much more work than would be the case in lower energy equipment. They also enhance access to all areas of the part and contribute to the ability of the equipment to develop very fine finishes. In addition to the ability to produce meaningful surface finish effects rapidly, and to produce fine finishes, CBF has the ability to impart compressive stress into critical parts that require extended metal fatigue resistance. Small and more delicate parts can also be processed with confidence, as the unique sliding action of the process seems to hold parts in position relative to each other, and there is generally little difficulty experienced with part impingement. Dry process media can be used in certain types of equipment and is useful for light deburring, polishing, and producing very refined super-finishes.

CBF equipment’s strong suit is the ability to develop surface finishes that may require over-lengthy time cycles in conventional equipment and the ability to develop a wide range of special surface finishes required for demanding and critical applications.

AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY –  David A. Davidson, []

Mr. Davidson is a deburring/surface finishing specialist and consultant.  He has contributed technical articles to Metal Finishing and other technical and trade publications and is the author of the Mass Finishing section in the Metal Finishing Guidebook and Directory.  He has also written and lectured extensively for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Society of Plastics Engineers, American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Association and the Mass Finishing Job Shops Association.  Mr. Davidson’s specialty is finishing process and finishing product development.


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