Contributing Editor: Dave Davidson, Deburring/Finishing Technologist 509.230.6821 | | If you have parts that need edge or surface finishing improvement and would like
to have FREE sample part processing and a quotation developed for finishing the parts contact Dave Davidson at I can also be reached at 509.230.6821. Information about equipment for bringing Centrifugal Iso-Finishing capability to your facility is also available…
Although more well known for deburring and finishing applications on metal parts, mass finishing techniques can also be used to enhance surfaces and produce edge contour on a variety of different plastic components. Some examples are shown below:

Two-step centrifugal finishing (1) abrasive smoothing (2) final dry polishing. As centrifugal typically has four barrel compartments these processes could be run concurrently.

These composite fabric parts were smoothed using centrifugal processing that made use of abrasive resin performs and the final smoothed with dry polishing media

Two-step finishing and polishing method with centrifugal isofinishing

These parts were finished in a two-step centrifugal method. Smoothing was done with fine abrasive resin preforms and then final polishing was accomplished with dry granular polishing media.

Deburring (deflashing) and smoothing of thermoplastic materials can also be accomplished with high-energy centrifugal isotropic finishing systems

Deflashing, Deburring and smoothing in high-speed isofinishing equipment
Other applications include:

Centrifugal isofinishing Equipment is pictured below:

Isotropic Finishing and polishing can be performed in centrifugal barrel finishing equipment such as this 4-barrel Model HZ-60 machine.
Contributing Editor: Dave Davidson, Deburring/Finishing Technologist 509.230.6821 | | If you have parts that need edge or surface finishing improvement and would like
to have FREE sample part processing and a quotation developed for finishing the parts contact Dave Davidson at I can also be reached at 509.230.6821. Information about equipment for bringing Centrifugal Iso-Finishing capability to your facility is also available…