Like nearly all edge and surface finishing processes, centrifugal barrel equipment deburrs, radiuses edges and improves the surface of parts by removing stock from appropriate areas. Although this heading can encompass all applications it is worth considering stock removal in centrifugal barrel machines as an alternative to other grinding operations.

Edited by Dave Davidson | Deburring/Finishing Specialist |
Excerpted from SME Technical Paper MR79-569 by J. Bernard Hignett
Centrifugal BarrelFinishing equipment such as this four barrel unit shown here can be utilized for stock removal in applications requiring removal of surface contaminants, and the blending in of machining and milling paths.
Like nearly all edge and surface finishing processes, centrifugal barrel equipment deburrs, radiuses edges and improves the surface of parts by removing stock from appropriate areas. Although this heading can encompass all applications it is worth considering stock removal in centrifugal barrel machines as an alternative to other grinding operations.The bearing industry makes extensive use of centrifugal barrel machines. One stock removal application is for grinding of bearing balls and this offers substantial economies compared with conventional grinding techniques. Centrifugal barrel finishing can be used for grinding of balls, both before and after hardening, And while it will not…
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