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Model HZ-120 Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Machine for high-speed deburring and polishing
A wide variety of parts are being processed in centrifugal finishing barrel equipment to deburr, radius and produce extremely refined isotro

The Role of Surface Finish in Improving Part Performance
For additional information contact Dave Davidson at or +1.509.563.9859 The mechanism that allows for...

Centrifugal Iso-Finishing and Polishing Oversized Parts
Isotropic or Iso Finishing
In a matter of minutes this deburr tool can clean up metal, acrylic or rubber parts are finished in what could t

Centrifugal Iso-Finishing: Hands-Free and High Speed Edge and Surface Finishing and Post-Processing
Small parts can offer significant challenges for the deburring and finishing operations of many manufacturers. Centrifugal Iso-Finishing is

Centrifugal Iso-Finishing Machine Model HZ-85 - Product Profile
This centrifugal finishing and polishing machine is a "work-horse" for the medical, aerospace, precision machined component and ad

Deburring simplified. Robust design with direct-drive motion generator and integrated parts/media se
BV Products has been perfecting its unique all cast polyurethane vibratory finishing machines for almost 40 years to make them the most inno

Hands-Free and High-Speed Post Process Surface Finishing of 3D Parts with Centrifugal Iso-Finishing
Additive components rarely meet surface standards without post processing. Post processing for additive parts is an important step in the ma

Turbo-Finish for rapid deburring and finishing of rotating aerospace hardware
(Guest column contributed by Dr. Michael Massarsky) Turbo-Abrasive Machining (also referred to as Turbo-Finish) is a mechanical deburring...

EXTREME SURFACE FINISHING with Centrifugal Iso-Finishing
Flame-cut foundry steel castings, with as-cast and flame-cut surfaces . Demonstration experiment to validate surface profile reduction on

Super Iso-Finishing for Larger Parts with Centrifugal Iso-Finishing
As centrifugal Iso-Finishing equipment designs evolve and improve, larger and more complex designed parts are being processed. Newer equipm
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